Monday, May 14

Braids Part 2: Lace Braids.

Braids Part 2: The Lace Braid

The Lace-Braid is the French-Braid 
one sided it looks like this.
In this picture it is very tight where I started
 and gets looser as it comes down into a
 pony-tail. This style is my favorite for my bangs.

Start with the normal 3 pieces,
braid down the first few crosses just normal 
and add hair to the strand of the braid
 that is "the top"then braid down until your back 
to "the top" and add hair to it 
again it won't be the same piece, it's not supposed to be.
Then finish it off ta-da!

I tried to make a video for this style, but... eh my sister isn't the greatest camera man. We'll work on that. :)

Sunday, May 13

Braids Part 1: The Basic Braid.

Braids Part 1:


I have decided to show how to do some
 of the most popular braids out there, 
starting with the basic braid.
I don't think a video is necessary braid 
because most people already
 know how BUT, I thought I would show 
you how my mom (HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!)
 taught this braid to me when I was 6.

She was teaching me how to braid
 because to make a friendship bracelet.

She said 3 friends were having 
their picture taken and were fighting
 about who went in the middle, and so they kept moving around so they could be in the middle.

And then pulling the pieces tight,
 my bracelet ended looking something like this:
There are tons of ways to use the basic braid
 not only as the grounds for French-Braiding 
but it is a good second-day style and is REALLY easy.
I like to use braids to dress-up other braids. 
And to use as head bands by hooking
 over my head with Bobby-Pins.

More to come watch for Part 2: The Lace-Braid. :)